I make speeches, tell stories and still do a small caseload of massage therapy, among allot of other stuff.
This is my hobby website and I know it’s a mess but we’ll call it my book and record… at times I get into video and pictures, even poetry. Though more honestly a mishmash of web prescence that simply wanders whatever ways it wants.
Mykldean@gmail.com still best and the same telephones for decades.
Salty Paradox: I know that I know nothing- Socrates
Contact: Michael Dean Ballard Four 24-226-6907
Primary is to collaborate on original songs and finalize them to a recordable degree. Write and record the songs that we enjoy. Songs that are the best we can do. That is the first “album”. Most of us have tons of songs partially to completely finished that could be many albums worth. The first album is about one or two songs and go from there to fill it out and finalize it. After all our family and friends should birth these babies/songs as we are all very much pregnant with music. We owe it to the world or like the blues Brothers said “we’re on a mission from God”…
© 2023 All Rights Reserved. Don’t click the social links below they are not happy yet, but they will be.