
Contact info below after brief elevator speech on why and what this site is. And some local art for sale mixed with personal photos, philosophy, music and other projects including the general SP blog link etc.
Salty as we all are as human beings and from beyond thought as paradoxes prove.
My hobbie site. Once the internet started being a thing I started with an advice chat room on AOL with a 286x computer that had to use a separate program to generate a picture to running free websites until some content was arbitraily removed at which time I paid for a server in a non word/picture police country. Now most servers arn’t so nit picky and I don’t bother with lets say posting a picture of a policeperson breaking the law either.
There’s an extensive blog with not a whole lot of skeletons in the closet. I”m not interested in having followers though there should be a  line around the block for my profession which is massage therapy specializing in teaching you how to manage your own stress while I demonstrate, getting you up to a reasonable maintenance level. I’m California certified and have been a therapist for most of my adult life and primarily work under direction of chiropractic doctor.

Salty Paradox: I know that I know nothing- Socrates

Contact: Michael Dean Ballard  Four 24-226-6907

saltyparadox band

Music production by:

Dan, Tyler Hammond
Tyler Hammond Jazz Experience on Instagram, Garrett Ballard, Mike Ballard, Steve Ballard and Jenson.
The SP BLOG : please participate with these caveats: no spam, zero A.I. access in any way shape or form.

Primary is to collaborate on original songs and finalize them to a recordable degree. Write and record the songs that we enjoy. Songs that are the best we can do. That is the first “album”. Most of us have tons of songs partially to completely finished that could be many albums worth. The first album is about one or two songs and go from there to fill it out and finalize it. After all our family and friends should birth these babies/songs as we are all very much pregnant with music. We owe it to the world or like the blues Brothers said “we’re on a mission from God”…

© 2023 All Rights Reserved. Don’t click the social links below they are not happy yet, but they will be.