Watch “The Smashing Pumpkins – Today (Live) – 1993 (HQ Soundboard Audio)” on YouTube
Michael Dean Ballard's
Anytime you can get a “Dave” to talk to you it’s a good thing. If you start to notice you have a lot in common with Dave then I would say you’re in the right place. Course good old Dave he ain’t no landlubber though he has been for years here and there. But … Read moreI listened to Dave today It explains how we can develop leaders who do what the people want more, not mostly what big money/donors want.
Gondolini, kondolini… I don’t know, it’s supposed to be really powerful stuff. Here Russell Brand demonstrates the ego eradicator. I thought yeah I’m either floating around getting nothing done or talking about myself so I tried it. I knocked a couple points off the test there and perhaps it’ll help with the help I’m supposed … Read moreCareful: it could blow your mind
The last time or two I ran avlinux were good. This time I told myself I don’t remember bricking a computer but this is the year I said I should fall in the water… Cause I never do and shouldn’t you do it once in awhile? I climb from boat to boat to dock etc … Read moreAudio/video Linux loaded up again and a new Orange practice amp and some fresh strings on the stratocaster.
Okay so my encouragement goes like this: the app is called tabata. Free ad supported, and I approach it by making it a holistic technique to move all the major muscle groups in the body.Pick your focus areas as you go. I do the sort of real push-ups that I learned from this calisthenics guy … Read moreTabata
It’s rainy season winter here and the hospitals are saying they are having a lessening of admissions while the news keeps saying that new strains are occurring that are more infectious. They say double up on your protection now so I got a p100 mask, that I wear with a surgical mask for the exhaust, … Read more310 days since last year March 20