Mission: *Make the world a better place with music. *Establish like-minded musical people to compose original record score. The core of which are willing and able to do a local tour when the pandemic subsides enough. Possibly this year. *Develop video clips that support the record and tour. *The project needs to develop a practical time line to complete it vs. a nebulous “well we worked on a bit of this and that and it never really came together.
I’m not so much interested in being taken seriously as a musicial by existing bands as I’m interested in accomplishing the goals of the mission. We start out with shared purpose: I share sympathetic vibrations with The Diggers, The Delta Rising Foundation, the progressive political movement and the Tao.
You could be part of some far right fringe and still contribute and hopefully be respected in any form of shared purpose as I’ve put allot of effort into understanding and communicating with various forms of what may be considered aberrant thought process of various forms of group think. For instance in recent years I’ve begun to be inclusive vs. ghosting family and friends and some of them have wildly opposing fundamental perspectives.
I’m almost 25 years no alcohol and identify as an alcoholic (don’t tell the alcoholics who smoke weed until they can’t stand up that I might brag about bong hits or the advancements in psychedelics). So I’m deeply involved with recovery, but, not so much a traditional program. I promote AA/NA/Al-Anon, but, I also am comfortable with communicating with people who reject some of the tenants of the programs. Everyone has the propensity to become addicted in various ways, and healthy relationships are the decider.
More about me: I’ve had my average five careers now at 60: manual labor, machines, sales, culinary, therapist. Therapist now most of my adult life. So I’ve got stories and you can hardly get me to not repeat some of them. I can talk to almost anyone and have an interesting conversation with them. Hopefully I’m a little more like Gandhi as I go, so maybe they are more helpfull than braggadocios or otherwise leave you feeling like you just had some teeth pulled.