Okay so my encouragement goes like this: the app is called tabata. Free ad supported, and I approach it by making it a holistic technique to move all the major muscle groups in the body.
Pick your focus areas as you go. I do the sort of real push-ups that I learned from this calisthenics guy Adam Frater. Check out his beginning calisthenics video and he goes through doing good push-ups which evens out the muscles in my upper body so that I struggle much less with aches and pains from normal stress accumulation (part of how I overcome chronic tension headaches). Not that I don’t have my own excellent personal trainer, but, this last year has the excuse that we mostly text- hey we gotta do something together… So Adams calisthenic videos also help me a lot with core workout. The first time I did his ab workout routine I felt a foot taller walking down the street.
The default setting on the tabata program is 20 seconds on 10 seconds off for 4 minutes. Push-ups, sit-ups, deep knee bends. Upper, mid, lower: all the major muscle groups. Sure keep it simple, you’ll want to learn various types of upper, mid and lower things you enjoy or things that are more challenging and beneficial for you. Start out easy, check with your doctor before starting any new exercise program. They say that if you do 15 minutes at a time and push as hard as you can: you are a world class athlete, so start at the default of for minutes and work harder as you feel stronger (after a few times perhaps in a week or a day off you feel that strong. Warning: just don’t over do it because: in many ways it’s not healthy to feel totally fried for days and you may not be able to function at all or injure yourself after pushing too hard starting out. So easy… repeat after me: “this is a loving thing, I’m doing this for myself which will radiate to the rest of the world in lovely ways because I will be a more loving person, so it’s about progress in spreading love… Easy like Sunday morning…
Oh wait I said easy and I actually do it a little bit harder way: for the 10-second rest I switch from upper to mid or lower body. So part of the 10-second rest I’m moving from one position to another which gives me more of a cardio from it/breathing a little bit harder. Also I’m not counting how many times I did mid-upper and lower I’m just always switching so the program is doing all the counting for you, all you got to do is do it. 123 baby.
So that’s my first video. Better load up that operating system and start shooting it.